Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Castle - Franz Kafka

The Castle is a novel by Franz Kafka. In it a protagonist, known only as K., struggles to gain access to the mysterious authorities of a castle who govern the village where he wants to work as a land surveyor. Kafka died before finishing the work, but suggested it would end with the Land Surveyor dying in the village; the castle notifying him on his death bed that his "legal claim to live in the village was not valid, yet, taking certain auxiliary circumstances into account, he was permitted to live and work there". Dark and at times surreal, The Castle is about alienation, bureaucracy, and the seemingly endless frustrations of man's attempts to stand against the system.
The title, Das Schloß, may be translated as "the castle" or "the lock". It is also similar to Der Schluß (close or end).[1] The castle is locked and closed to K and the townspeople; neither can gain access.

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